In the Sumy region, invaders shot bus with civilian people, didn’t allow ambulance to pass

Sunday, 27 February 2022, 12:25 PM
In Sumy region, Russian invaders shot a bus with civilian people and didn’t allow ambulances to pass by.
Source: Dmytro Zhyvytskyy, Head of the Sumy regional military-civil administration in Telegram.
Quote: "Between Chupakhivka and Dovzhuk, in the Okhtyrka district, Russian tanks shot at a bus with civilian people.
"Ambulances were not allowed to pass. The surrounding area is mined and people cannot be reached".
Details: According to the Head of the military-civil administration, family doctors are walking out of clinics to places of shootings, where they will try to provide medical care before ambulances arrive.
Zhyvytskyy later reported on the artillery shelling of Kyrikivka, Okhtyrka district.
Previously: A large enemy convoy was advancing to Sumy from the southeast.