Russia is threatening the ISS may crash because of the US sanctions

Sunday, 27 February 2022, 02:30

"Who will save the ISS from an unmanaged crash out of the orbit on the US or Europe if you blocked your cooperation with us? There is also a chance of a 500-tonne structure crashing on India or China. Do you want them to get threatened by such perspectives? The ISS is not located over Russia; this means that only you are exposed to such risks. Are you ready to take these risks? When you impose sanctions, check those who generate them for different diseases", wrote Dmitry Rogozin.

Such an acute response of the head of Russia’s space program was caused by the US introduction of a ban on sales of high technology in Russia. The ban will cut in half Russian imports of high-tech products which should hit both the aerospace industry of the country and its space program.

Background: Dmitry Peskov, the Press Secretary for the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, recently stated that sanctions adopted by Western countries due to Russia's attack on Ukraine are serious, but the Russian government has prepared for them beforehand. According to Dmitry Peskov, the 'immediate measures to minimize losses' due to sanctions have been taken.