Yanukovych-era First Deputy Chief of Tax Inspection Detained

Tuesday, 9 August 2016, 19:21

The GPU detained ex-First Deputy Chief of Tax Inspection Andrii Holovach, Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko reported on his Facebook page.

According to him, Holovach was detained within the framework of investigation of the case against Yanukovych. Four more tax inspection officials were also detained in this case.

"They are suspected of illegal VAT recovery to sham businesses controlled by a criminal gang of Yanukovych, Azarov, and Klymenko total worth of ₴3.2 billion," Lutsenko asserted.

Photo from Lutsenko’s Facebook page
Photo from Lutsenko’s Facebook page

"During the search in Holovach’s house we found a portrait sculpture of Yanukovych. He probably glorified it, but it didn’t help. The court agreed to jail him with a possibility of ₴200 million release," Lutsenko added.

Source: Ukrayinska Pravda
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IP: 95.135.141.---YUZYK09.08.2016 23:18
Трішечки кумедно.Потрібно було Яценюка з Насіровим давно брати.
IP: 46.200.99.---sensor+209.08.2016 19:46
Ну пока мелковато. Когда там этот... который главный в Окупационном блоке?
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