Court Jails Medianyk Without Option of Bail

Monday, 8 August 2016, 12:48

Pecherskyi District Court of Kyiv put ex-Party of Regions MP Volodymyr Medianyk in jail until October 4, having satisfied the motion of the Prosecutor General’s Office (GPU), Interfax-Ukraine reports. No release on bail is allowed.

Medianyk’s attorney Yevhenii Solodko asserted that his client was used as a hostage to force him to testify against ex-Head of the Party of Regions faction in the Parliament Oleksandr Yefremov.

"When a person is detained on such ‘evidence,’ it may only mean that the investigation solicits Medianyk to provide charge a against Yefremov, that’s it," he said.

He added that Medianyk was a businessman and became engaged in politics only to protect his business. He was not Yefremov’s associate, only a fellow MP from the Party of Regions.

Solodko promised to appeal the court’s decision.

On August 7, the Prosecutor General’s Office (GPU) detained Volodymyr Medianyk, an ex-MP of the Party of Regions involved in the ‘Yefremov case.’ Yefremov is suspected of violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Source: Ukrayinska Pravda

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IP: 85.223.209.---Taras Orel08.08.2016 14:17
"Солодко додав, що Медяник є бізнесменом і в політику пішов лише для того, щоб захищати свій бізнес."

Гай-гай, а ми ж то думали, що вони всі йдуть в політику щоб захищати інтереси народу, творити процвітаючу країну... Ось так один адвокат одного депутата і сказав всім прямо у вічі, чим займаються депутати насправді
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