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Restoration Works on Mariyinsky Palace Have Already Cost the State ₴376 Million

Monday, 8 August 2016, 11:42
Restoration Works on Mariyinsky Palace Have Already Cost the State ₴376 Million

As of August 1, 2016 the amount spent on restoration works in Mariyinsky Palace totaled ₴376.44 million, ₴29.714 million of which was spent in 2016, ‘Dostup Do Pravdy’ [ed: Access to Truth] writes, citing an official reply from the State Department of Affairs.

The restoration works were started in July 2007. Between July 2007 and July 2016, work on enhancing the structures of the Palace was carried out, the restoration works on facades and interior are currently being performed. Works in the surrounding territories have also been started.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated July 22, 2015, in 2015 the State Department of Affairs prepared a state investment project ‘Restoration and Adaptation of Mariyinsky Palace in Kyiv’, which was approved by the selection commission.


According to the project, it is planned to complete restoration works in 34 months, in case the funding is provided on time and in planned amounts. The total cost of restoration is estimated at ₴1.47 billion.

The palace was ordered to be constructed in 1744 by the Russian Empress Elizaveta, and was designed by Bartolomeo Rastrelli, the most famous architect working in the Russian Empire at that time.

Source: Ukrayinska Pravda Kyiv
