Poroshenko Asks TV Channels to Use More Ukrainian Language
President Petro Poroshenko thinks that the share of the Ukrainian language on some TV channels is too small and needs to be increased, he said on Monday when meeting representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora in Kyiv.
The President reminded that last month he signed a law to increase the quotas of Ukrainian songs on the radio.
"I would like to use this opportunity to address the owners and top-managers of some TV channels. Ladies and gentlemen, you have an unacceptably low share of the Ukrainian language. And before I resort to law-making, I would ask the market to be conscious and exercise self-regulation," Poroshenko said.
The President ensured there "will be some real meaning to the status of Ukrainian language as the only state language, but with respect to the rights of ethnic minorities."
"The events of recent years have shown that they [minorities] are patriots of the state of Ukraine," the President said.
Source: Ukrayinska Pravda
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