E-Declarations ‘to Start on August 15’ Regardless of Technical Hurdles

Sunday, 14 August 2016, 11:34

The system of electronic income declarations of state officials will in any circumstance start on August 15, National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) Chief Natalia Korchak told on air on ‘112 Channel.’

"E-declarations will start in any case, I guarantee it. The NAPC did not cancel and won’t cancel its decision to launch it. There is no need to speculate whether it is a real mode or trial mode. The system for collecting and publishing information will be launched, and that’s it… After August 15, we will improve the system," she said.

Commenting on the outcomes of talks with the State Service of Special Communication Information Protection of Ukraine (SSCIP) and software developers, Korchak highlighted that they had identified ways to fix the drawbacks.

"I tried hard to organize this meeting. It proved fruitful. Software developers acknowledged the deficiencies identified by the SSCIP and agreed to fix them. It’s a good starting point," she underlined.

According to Korchak, the NAPC is going to meet today. "Together with the SSCIP and developers, we continue working on technical matters. In any way, the e-declaration system will be launched in time, because the law demands so," she stressed.

"Everything hinges on the agreements between software developers and the SSCIP. They have finally started to cooperate. In fact, yesterday it was more about fighting for their own turf," she added.

As European Pravda informed earlier, the start of e-declaration system is a prerequisite for the IMF tranche and visa-free regime with the EU.

Source: European Pravda

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IP: 178.92.186.---Mikhailo Klub14.08.2016 14:09
Система електронного декларування повинна діяти для всіх. Власники приватних фірм (тов,пат та інших форм ) крадуть гроші у працівників, роблять фірми банкрутами, купляють елітну нерухомість на родичів, а покарати іх не можна- це пат чи щось інше.зміна форми власності не повинна дозволяти красти.
IP: 37.229.196.---Nanik14.08.2016 12:20
А куда вы денетесь!!!Это закон, принятый и подписанный, а за его невыполнение идет наказание!!!
IP: 141.0.12.---petrius14.08.2016 11:59
Очень хочется надеяться, что чиновники и депутаты не устроят саботаж. Подавляющее большинство политиков - из старой, коррупционной гвардии, чиновники и подавно. Выдумают подлый закончик или поправочку, сводящую на нет все усилия. Коррупцинеры - верх подлости и продажности.
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