Anti-Corruption Prosecutor: Onyshchenko Is Not in Ukraine

Tuesday, 5 July 2016, 10:06

The Head of the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office Nazar Kholodnytskyi says that MP Oleksandr Onyshchenko is currently not in Ukraine.

"According to the latest information, he is neither in Ukraine, nor in Vienna. I can’t say much, but I’ll tell you this: one doesn’t fly to Vienna though Minsk," Kholodnytskyi commented in the corridors of the Verkhovna Rada on Tuesday, June 5. Since direct flights between Kyiv and Moscow were canceled, travelers who need to go in this direction change planes in Minsk, Belarus.

On Sunday, June 3, Russian TV host and model Victoria Bonya posted a photograph with Onyshchenko and Miss Russia 2015 Sofia Nikitchuk on her Instagram: "We managed to talk [Oleksandr] into coming and watching the France — Iceland match together," the caption says.


On June 29, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Rules of Parliamentary Procedure approved the filing of the Prosecutor General on allowing to prosecute Onyshchenko. Onyshchenko is allegedly the mastermind behind corrupt schemes at the state gas producer Ukrasvudobuvannya (UGV) and is currently under investigation by NABU.

Source: Roman Romaniuk, Ukrayinska Pravda

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IP: 46.219.254.---Серьога Люб-чен-Ишин05.07.2016 13:29
Олег Кремко:
По Оніщенку.
З супересекретного органу (НАБУ), у такій важливій операції, коли секретність є запорукою її успіху, інформація витікає у ЗМІ.
Це все, що вам треба... і далі по тексту.
цікаво ще й то, шо нашо було роздути навколо голосування і подання такий шум
ясно, шо вже хто хотів сховать кінці і готуваться до втечі - так і зробив
IP: 46.200.108.---sensor+205.07.2016 12:02
Естественно. Новость ни о чём.

Опять срочно начались "соревнования".
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