Ukrposhta CEO Receives ₴333,000 per Month and Has Two Passports
The monthly salary of Igor Smelyanskyi, the new CEO of Ukrposhta [Ukr.: Ukrainian Post] amounts to ₴333 thousand ($13,000), as he told during a briefing in Kyiv on July 4, Interfax-Ukraine reports.
"That’s basic salary. Bonuses will be discussed depending on my performance," he said.
He is a citizen of two countries – the U.S. and Ukraine – but believes it doesn’t prevent him from working in Ukraine. "According to Ukrainian law, dual nationality is allowed yet not recognized. I believe that my appointment was transparent. I pay taxes in two countries," Smelyanskyi said.
Before being appointed the Ukrposhta CEO, he was a KPMG manager in the U.S. He got an MBA in Georgetown University and Juris Doctor in George Washington University Law, and 17 years of professional experience of strategic and financial consulting, including experience of working in Ukraine and other countries.
Smelyanskyi embarked on his work on July 1. The Minister for Infrastructure tasked him with corporatization of the company, increasing its efficiency and staff payroll.
Source: Ukrayinska Pravda
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