Foreign Ministry Warns Ukrainians of Risks of Traveling to Russia

Wednesday, 27 July 2016, 15:19

The Foreign Ministry recommends Ukrainians to assess the risks of possible unjustified arrests in Russia when planning travel there, the MFA Consular Department stressed in an alert published on July 27.

The Foreign Ministry is concerned with the increased number of searches of Ukrainian citizens’ personal belongings leading to alleged discoveries of illegal items, including drugs.

To prevent illegal detentions of this kind, the MFA calls on citizens to take care when dealing with anyone, including Russian officials, border guards, and police officers.

Moreover, the Foreign Ministry alerts that Ukrainian citizens are sometimes offered jobs in the transportation sector, but it appears later that they are involved in drug smuggling.

Russia commits grave violations of the universal provisions of international human rights law and its international commitments in this field, the Ministry adds. So, it recommends Ukrainian citizens to carefully assess risks and consider the need to travel to Russia.

Source: Ukrayinska Pravda

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IP: 5.79.226.---Валерий Дубровный27.07.2016 19:45
Недавно был на севере.Так там,каждый третий вахтовик-украинец.
IP: 185.80.153.---Justme27.07.2016 18:23
А ЗАЧЕМ ВООБЩЕ ЕЗДИТЬ К ВРАГУ В ГОСТИ???? Если мозгов и чувства самоуважения нет - пусть едут, пусть почувствуют на себе весь русский мир и не надо их оттуда освобождать. Бачили очі, що купували: їжте...Смачного!!!
IP: 92.112.213.---nestor198027.07.2016 15:50
МЗС попереджає українців про ризики поїздок в Росію і в першу чергу на окуповані ворогом території.
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