First Deputy Chair Of Naftogaz Board Detained

Sunday, 17 July 2016, 10:56

Solomyanskyi District Court for Kyiv City detained First Deputy Chair of Naftogaz Board Serhiy Pereloma until September 9 as a pretrial restrictive measure, with the possibility of ₴80 million bail, Ukrayinska Pravda reports.

After the decision was announced on Saturday, July 16, Narodnyi Front MP Yevhen Deydey and more than 10 unidentified youths blocked the courtroom exit, to prevent transportation of Pereloma to the detainment facility.

It was possible to avoid conflict, as Pereloma himself asked for order. He said he was going to appeal the court’s decision. When asked about the bail, Pereloma said he did not have this kind of money.

Pereloma is under investigation for alleged embezzlement of funds linked to Odesa Port Plant.

Source: Roman Kravets, Ukrayinska Pravda

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