Verkhovna Rada Renamed Kirovohrad to Kropyvnytskyi
Verkhovna Rada renamed the city of Kirovohrad to Kropyvnytskyi in compliance with the law on decommunization. The decision was supported by 230 MPs on Thursday, July 14, 2016.
The issue of renaming Kirovohradskyi Rayon of Kirovohradska Oblast was left open, but Speaker Andriy Parubiy promised to settle this issue.
Additionally, the Rada renamed a number of other cities, towns and villages in Mykolaiv, Odesa, and Kharkiv Oblasts, as well as in Zakarpattya and Chernihiv Oblasts. The Rada also supported renaming a number of cities, towns, villages and rayons within the temporarily occupied rayons of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts.
As was already reported: residents of Kirovohrad were protesting against the renaming of their city. Kirovohrad City Council decided it could not decide on a new name for their city and asked the Rada to do it for them.
Marko Kropyvnytskyi (1840 — 1910) was a Ukrainian writer, dramaturge, and theatre actor. He is one of the founders of the modern Ukrainian theatre.
Source: Ukrayinska Pravda
Поздоровляю підляшків на чолі з В"ятровичем та Парубієм з черговим приниженням справжніх українців, на цей раз - 232 000 осіб, на чію думку ці добродії наплювали !
ВОДНОЧАС НАГОЛОШУЮ: столиця Галичини досі носить ім"я комуняки №2 - Льва Давідовича Троцького (Бронштейна) і на підставі закона "Про декомунізацію" вимагаю від вищезгаданіх панів ЇЇ НЕГАЙНОГО ПЕРЕЙМЕНУВАННЯ !!!