Investigation: Wealthy Official Received a ₴10 Million Apartment from the State

Wednesday, 22 June 2016, 12:40

The Head of the State Department of Affairs Serhiy Borzov, who has been in this position since the summer of 2015, received a free 190 sq.m apartment from his department, Nashi Groshi with Denys Bigus, a TV show of counter-corruption investigations, reports. The State Department of Affairs is an umbrella property management organization.

According to his declaration, Serhiy Borzov had almost ₴400,000 of income, and his wife Iryna had almost ₴1 million last year. The family already owns a land plot, an apartment and house, commercial property in Crimea, a new Toyota Rav4, and Mercedes Vito. Also, Borzov’s wife recently registered a 2016 BMW, with market value of between $40,000 and $65,000.

The ownership rights for the new apartment were fully transferred to Borzov, so he will not have to leave it if he resigns or loses his position. The journalists estimate its market value at about ₴10 million. In addition to Borzov and his wife, there are four more people registered in the apartment. Borzov explained this is due to the need to have grandparents look after the children, as he works very long hours.

The journalists claim that registering other relatives helped Borzov get a bigger apartment, as there is a quota of 13.65 sq.m of living space per person. Even so, 190 sq.m exceeds the quota for six people. In a comment regarding this, Borzov said that apartments are not custom-made, and he received one that was in the pool of available property. His Department ignored a request to provide information on how the size of the free apartment for Borzov and family was calculated.

Source: Ukrayinska Pravda

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IP: 46.200.211.---Зеник Гаєцький22.06.2016 17:45
Ви поясніть народу для чого в державі портібна така структура, як ДУС'я?. Хіба не зрозуміло, що створена вона для грабунку народу, для корупції,для наживи за рахунок пересічних людей?!
IP: 195.175.73.---Юрій Савчук22.06.2016 14:38
То я не поняв:він герой,активіст чи патріот?
IP: 91.209.118.---Michael_0522.06.2016 14:06
Какие нелепые отмазки. Детей он не видит. Он у нас что, работает больше, чем Президент? Если всего лишь завхоз Президента до двух часов ночи "пашет", то Президент круглосуточно, по идее, должен работать? Если законно приобрел квартиру - к чему эти разводы на жалость?
IP: 212.191.78.---Oleksa Piddubniak22.06.2016 13:21
Вони всіх мають в с.. . Ми їх теж. Вони нас голоблями, а ми ярмулкою, ще й кричимо вслід: "Чекайте. чекайте! Попадетеся нам! Буде вам, ще й лишиться!" Ото потіха!
IP: 77.222.145.---ReAlex22.06.2016 13:21
Раніше в нас було дві біди — дороги та дурні, тепер дороги та корупціонери. Але з дорогами вже щось почали робити.
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