Poroshenko: Mykolaiv Governor and Law Enforcement Chiefs to Be Dismissed

27314 просмотров
Wednesday, 15 June 2016, 13:07

Mykolaiv Oblast Governor Vadym Merikov has resigned after his Deputy was detained for taking a bribe. President Poroshenko announced this during a visit to Mykolaiv Oblast on June 15. "Notwithstanding some achievements, regarding the ATO and other challenges, Governor Merikov signed his resignation after we met yesterday. It is a matter of political responsibility. And there’s more to come," Poroshenko stressed.

He requested the Prosecutor General to dismiss the prosecutor of Mykolaiv Oblast, while the Interior Minister is expected to remove the police management in the oblast. "It’s high time to end this affair in Mykolaiv Oblast," he added, as he promised to put all the bribe takers in jail. "I’m really firm on it. Not only the bribe takers should be punished but also others who let them engage in corruption or ignore blatant offences. Political responsibility should also carry criminal liability," he concluded.

This development was caused by First Deputy Governor Mykola Romanchuk being suspected of accepting a $100,000 bribe. A search of Romanchuk’s house revealed a suitcase with several hundred thousand dollars, golden jewelry and even Nazi symbols.

Source: Ukrayinska Pravda

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IP: 93.75.254.---Татьяна Боброва15.06.2016 21:34
Від цієі галереі призначенців ,тобто резидентськоі раті-моторошно стає...Чи саме на таких і робить ставку наш Гарант...Яка влада-така і краіна...Складається враження,що західні політикиі партнери відмивають руки якимось дуже засекреченим плином, зустрічаючись з нашою клептоманною раттю....
IP: 46.200.233.---Зеник Гаєцький15.06.2016 18:05
Як кажуть москалі :"Цыплят по осени считают".Хотілось би вірити, що це початок реальної боротьби з корупціонерами.
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