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Bohdan Miroshnychenko

joutnalist and special correspondent at Ekonomichna Pravda
All Publications of this Author

"Hell" for the Russians. How Ukraine was creating a super-drone and ended up with a cruise missile

The new Axis of Evil: how Russia's allies help in its war against Ukraine

NATO countries turn to Ukrainian arms manufacturers for equipment and partnerships: who leads

More dead Russian troops for less money. How Ukrainian armed forces embraced ISTAR technology and why it's not widely adopted

Ukrainian Ministry of Defence signs contract for purchase of long-range drones worth roughly US$482 mln

Video released of Ukrainian-made Sich combat module being tested on new Varta-2 armoured vehicle

Ukrainian Defence Industry revenues up by 50% compared to last year

Ukraine to fund construction of gunpowder factories

Cotton and shells. Ukraine's first steps towards gunpowder production

Ukraine's Antonov Company anticipates confiscation of Russian cargo plane stranded in Canada

Ukraine's Antonov Company temporarily stops work on new An-225 Mriya aircraft

Ukraine's Antonov Airlines to reach 2021 revenue level despite loss of planes due to war

Ukraine's Antonov Company produces An-32P firefighting aircraft for State Emergency Service – photo
