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Economichna Pravda

All Publications of this Author

Russian rouble continues to fall, beating March 2022 records

Grain corridor shifts to Danube ports, carriers await tariffs from Moldova

Another 13 international companies leave the Russian market in a month

Ukraine receives the second tranche from the IMF in the amount of US$890 million

ZNPP connected to backup power line for first time in four months – IAEA

Ukrainian Army Commander-in-Chief arrives at Rivne Nuclear Power Plant for second time in three days

Ukraine's anti-corruption agency adds manufacturer of Domestos, Rexona and Dove to list of international sponsors of war

Zelenskyy plans to assign functions of control over business to one state body in coming months

Ukrainian Bohdana self-propelled howitzer has a chance to conquer the world military equipment markets

Not enough water in ZNPP cooling pond in long term – IAEA

Ukraine to receive US$890 million from IMF: Fund completes first review of programme

Zelenskyy meets business community: communication platform to be created

Stinger missile manufacturer called in retired engineers to resume production

Zelenskyy meets with business representatives: what was discussed

Zelenskyy promises fully automated tax and customs offices

Zelenskyy dismisses general director of Ukraine's state defence concern

3 Ukrainian firms to receive US$1 million each to develop anti-drone projects

Ukraine's Energoatom reports insignificant decrease in water level at Zaporizhzhia NPP cooling pond
