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Economichna Pravda

All Publications of this Author

Ukraine receives over US$23 billion in financial aid to reduce budget deficit – Ukraine's PM

Kremlin denies having agreed to prolong grain initiative

Russian oligarchs' wealth is almost back up to pre-war levels

Putin outlines conditions for extending grain deal

Over 11,000 tonnes of fish worth US$270 million lost due to blowing up of Kakhovka HPP – Agricultural Policy Ministry

Russia's richest oligarch cooperates with Russian defence industry and prisons. He's still not sanctioned by West

UN proposes that Russia extend grain deal in exchange for access of subsidiary of Russia's agricultural bank to SWIFT – Reuters

Water level in Zaporizhzhia NPP cooling pond stable – Energoatom

"Shadow fleet" of Russian tankers shrinks faster than it was formed – Bloomberg

Hotels in Russian-occupied Crimea reduce prices for tourists by up to 40% due to low demand

Manufacturer of Bayraktar attack drones starts building plant in Ukraine – Ukraine's Minister for Strategic Industries

Twitter Blue accounts spread fake information about war in Ukraine

Russia wants Zaporizhzhia NPP issue to be discussed at NATO Summit in Vilnius

Russian Gazprom threatens Kyiv with termination of any cooperation through arbitration courts

War exclusion clause means Ukraine will not receive US$135 million in compensation if Russians blow up Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

Russians want to switch another ZNPP unit into hot shutdown state – Energoatom

Mariupol metallurgical plants can be rebuilt in 3-5 years using green technologies – Metinvest

Russian missile attack on Lviv: power outages in Lviv Oblast, innovation park's business campus damaged
