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Ivanna Kostina

journalist at European Pravda
All Publications of this Author

US nears decision to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles for F-16s – Reuters

Poland explains why Ukrainian suspected of blowing up Nord Stream has not been arrested

Leader of Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance outraged by accusations of receiving money for anti-Ukrainian stance

Poland continues to search for alleged Shahed drone that entered country's airspace on 26 August

Latvian official appointed as EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Reconstruction of Ukraine – Welt

Romanian government approves draft law on transfer of Patriot air defence system to Ukraine

Foreign Minister Sikorski says that Poland should down Russian missiles over Ukraine

Poland once again scrambles its aircraft due to Russian large-scale attack on Ukraine

Russian military aircraft have approached Latvia's border 109 times this year

German air traffic control suffered cyberattack, likely by pro-Russian group of hackers

Majority of Poles believe Russian objects flying over Poland should be downed

Finnish president says situation in Ukraine is critical, but better than three months ago

Russia to change its nuclear doctrine in response to West's "escalation course"

Poland refuses to train Ukrainian military in Ukraine and shoot down Russian missiles

Czech President on using F-16 jets to strike targets in Russia: Ukraine is the one to decide

Czech Foreign minister says deliveries under Czech ammunition initiative on track

German Foreign Minister accuses Putin of preparing new "cold war" against Ukraine

Spain to supply Ukraine with seven more generators
