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Peace through strength. Key points from Zelenskyy's speech presenting the Victory Plan to the Ukrainian parliament

Wednesday, 16 October 2024, 13:37

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's most recent press conference on 27 August is remembered by most Ukrainians for his revelation that Vasyl Maliuk, current Head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), and Oleh Tatarov, Deputy Head of the President's Office, bravely fought against "Chechens in Kyiv" during the early days of the full-scale war.

Other key messages, such as the specifics of Ukraine's Victory Plan, seemed somewhat overshadowed by this revelation. Zelenskyy presented the plan to US President Joe Biden and presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump during a visit to the US in late September.

In Ukraine, Zelenskyy unveiled the details of his Victory Plan for the first time on 16 October.


The plan comprises five key points: the first is geopolitical, the second and third focus on military aspects, the fourth relates to economic issues, and the fifth pertains to security. There are also three secret appendices.

The president stated that the implementation of the plan has a timeframe. "If we begin to act on this idea and implement this particular Victory Plan now, it may be possible to end the war by next year," he said in a speech to the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament).

Zelenskyy stressed that the plan is achievable, but only with assistance from Ukraine’s partners.

"Everyone understands that Russia is not seeking an honest peace. Putin has lost touch with reality and only wants war. He will not change – he is too entrenched in the past, too stuck in yesterday. He is deaf to everyone else.

However, together – Ukrainians and our partners – we must change the circumstances so that the war ends, regardless of Putin's desires. We need to create conditions that will compel Russia to seek peace," the president emphasised during his speech in parliament.

Zelenskyy said Ukraine’s partners have engaged with the plan very "practically and attentively", and that teams from various countries have begun working on its implementation.

Ukrainska Pravda has summarised the key points from Volodymyr Zelenskyy's speech during the presentation of the Victory Plan in parliament.

Point 1. NATO

For decades, Russia has been taking advantage of geopolitical uncertainty in Europe, particularly the fact that Ukraine is not a member of NATO. This is what tempted Russia to encroach on Ukraine's security. Now, an invitation for Ukraine to join NATO could be pivotal for achieving peace.

We realise that NATO membership is a matter of the future, not the present. But Putin must see that his geopolitical calculations are failing. Russians must feel that their tsar has suffered a geopolitical defeat.

I would like to thank all our partners who support the idea that inviting Ukraine to join NATO now, with membership to follow, strengthens us all. The invitation is a robust decision that demands nothing more than resolve.

And today, the invitation symbolises much more than just NATO. A decisive approach to the issue of NATO for Ukraine also signifies the inevitability of European integration for Ukraine and the inevitability of democracy in Ukraine.

That is why it is the first point of the Victory Plan. It is a sign of determination. An unconditional invitation now. This is the certainty with which our partners actually see Ukraine's place in the security architecture.

Point 2. Defence

There is a clear list of the weapons that would bolster the strength of our soldiers. The Kursk operation has demonstrated that Putin does not have enough strength to hold on when we push really hard.

Therefore, the key to implementing the second point of the Victory Plan is:

  • Successfully continuing the operations by Ukraine's defence and security forces in designated areas of Russian territory to prevent the establishment of buffer zones on Ukrainian soil;
  • Irreversibly strengthening the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and destroying Russia's offensive potential in the occupied territories of Ukraine;
  • Securing assistance from partners to equip reserve brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;
  • Enhancing Ukrainian air defence to a level sufficient to protect cities and settlements from Russian missiles and drones, and conducting joint defence operations with our European neighbours to intercept Russian missiles and drones within the range of partners’ air defence capabilities;
  • Expanding operations involving Ukrainian-made missiles and drones, and investment in expanding their production in Ukraine;
  • Partners should lift restrictions on the use of long-range weapons to strike military infrastructure throughout the territory of Ukraine occupied by Russia and on the territory of the Russian Federation and provide Ukraine with appropriate long-range missiles, drones and other weapons;
  • Supplying Ukraine with real-time satellite data and intelligence from other sources.

The plan's defence point has a secret appendix accessible only to partners with the appropriate military assistance capabilities.

Point 3. Deterrence

Ukraine proposes establishing a comprehensive non-nuclear strategic deterrence package on its territory, sufficient to safeguard the state from any military threats posed by Russia.

This could limit Russia's options to two: either engage in a genuine diplomatic process to bring the war to a just conclusion, or face the guaranteed loss of its capacity to continue the war of aggression due to Ukraine's application of the deterrence package in alignment with its military objectives.

Thus, the deterrence package serves as a reality that forces Russia to choose between diplomacy or the destruction of its war machine. Peace through strength.

This works equally well on both sides of the Atlantic. And this point can be implemented, particularly through funding under security agreements already concluded with partners and through designated amounts of financial support.

The third point of the plan also includes a secret appendix, which has been provided to the leaders of the US, UK, France, Italy and Germany. It will be made available to other countries that can contribute meaningfully to this concept of deterrence, which is well-known to the international community.

Point 4. Economy

Ukraine is rich in natural resources, including trillions of US dollars’ worth of vitally important metals. These resources – uranium, titanium, lithium, graphite and other strategically essential materials – can be used to strengthen either Russia and its allies or Ukraine and the democratic world in global competition.

Ukraine's deposits of critical resources, combined with its significant energy and food production potential, are among Russia's primary targets in the war.

This represents an opportunity for Ukraine's economic growth. For strengthening the EU's economic autonomy and, to a large extent, Europe’s security autonomy. And it also provides an opportunity for the United States and our partners in the G7 to work with Ukraine – an ally capable of delivering a return on investment.

The economic point of the plan has a secret appendix shared exclusively with select partners.

Ukraine proposes that the United States, along with certain partners, including the European Union – which Ukraine will be a part of – conclude a special agreement on the joint protection of Ukraine's critical resources, joint investment, and the use of the relevant economic potential.

This agreement will naturally complement and enhance the existing system of economic pressure on Russia, namely all current sanctions, the oil price cap, export restrictions, and other measures of pressure. Russia's allies worldwide must understand that this regime has no economic future.

Point 5. Security

After this war is over, Ukraine will have one of the largest and most experienced military forces. These are our soldiers who have genuine experience in modern warfare, a proven track record in utilising Western-supplied weapons, and diverse experience in working together with NATO troops.

Ukraine's experience should be used to strengthen the Alliance's defence and enhance security in Europe. This is a worthy mission for our heroes.

If our partners agree, we foresee the possibility of replacing certain US Army contingents stationed in Europe with Ukrainian units after the war. Ukrainians have proven that they can be a formidable force that Russian evil cannot overcome.

Anhelina Strashkulych, Ukrainska Pravda

Translation: Artem Yakymyshyn

Editing: Teresa Pearce
