Plotnitsky’s Car Blown Up in Occupied Luhansk

Saturday, 6 August 2016, 09:29

The car of the leader of the so-called ‘Luhansk People’s Republic’ Igor Plotnitsky was blown up on the morning of Saturday, August 6, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the so-called ‘people’s militia’ of the occupied territory.

Two people were hospitalized in the blast. The ‘militia’ has not yet reported whether Plotnitsky was in the car, but Oleg Tsaryov, former MP from the Party of Regions and supporter of the militants, informs that Plotnitsky is in hospital and his condition is serious.

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The explosion took place on Vatutina Street in Luhansk.

According to Tsaryov, it was a ‘directed explosion of great force’, and the militants suspect a Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group to be responsible. Locals confirm that the explosion was powerful and they could hear it in different districts of Luhansk.

Photos from site of the explosion have been released on the news website of the militants, not including the photos of the car.


Source: Oksana Kovalenko, Ukrayinska Pravda

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IP: 95.132.39.---kerubino06.08.2016 15:34
Правильно зробили .
IP: 46.159.111.---buzina06.08.2016 11:24
Цього борва навіть розривні кулі не беруть . У всьому винна жировий прошарок - вона діє як Протикумулятивний Екран
IP: 91.124.251.---Либенчук Терен06.08.2016 10:28
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