SBU: Group of Bank Robbers Arrested, Including National Guard Serviceman

Saturday, 16 July 2016, 10:18

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) arrested members of an organized crime group which has been attacking banks and cash transit vehicles for months, the Head of the SBU Vasyl Hrytsak said during the press briefing on July 16. It is now being investigated whether the group is responsible for 10 such attacks.

The group was captured following the attack on a cash transit van in Zaporizhzhia oblast. One of the attackers, a citizen of Latvia, was killed during arrest. Three other members of the group were arrested, one of them is a serviceman of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Former commander of Azov volunteer battalion, MP Andriy Biletskyi assured that the command of Azov, which is currently a National Guard regiment, will assist the detectives during the investigation. "The officers are doing everything in their power to get to the core of this story and find out whether an Azov serviceman was indeed involved," Biletskyi said. "We are not savages, who protect themselves at any cost, our job is to protect our Motherland."

Source: Ukrayinska Pravda

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IP: 82.145.222.---Qwerew Rewqwe16.07.2016 12:09
Опять повод очернить и запугать патриотов.
IP: 94.158.95.---shkrebty16.07.2016 10:36
Почнуть поганити "Азов", бо він виступив як громадська сила.
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